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Vodaphone announce record losses

Started by Ed, May 30, 2006, 04:25:49 PM

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I was listening to the radio today, and in the news they were saying that Vodaphone has today posted the highest ever recorded loss in the history of British business - 15 billion pounds (approx $20 billion). 

Now that's what I call a lot of moolah.  What are they going to do to rectify the situation?  Answer - Lay off 400 people in an effort to save costs :scratch:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't see 400 salaries amounting to a loss the size of the combined national debt of Africa as a whole and half the rest of the third world on top :huh:

How do you lose that much money in a year?  Does their entire board of directors consist of Monty Brewster wannabes?  Do the 400 staff they're laying off have jobs that consist purely of putting twenty pound notes through shredding machines 24/7?  What?  What?  How?

I don't understand ::)
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