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Only in my dreams

Started by Ed, October 01, 2006, 08:46:31 AM

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There's a mobile phone advert on TV in the UK that uses quite a strange backing track that I hadn't heard before.  It's an advert for Orange (phone network), and the track is Nat Baldwin, Only In My Dreams.  I'm not sure I could handle a whole album of his music, but it's strangely hypnotic to me.  Check out his myspace site and listen to a few tracks - it's quite experimental in nature, but I think I like it :smiley:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


I've clicked on the dream in his MySpace space but the connection ain't there. I'll try later. My own website has been down today with mine host having server probs.

I get caught out with haunting music sometimes. For instance I am enraptured by the way she interpretated 'Nothing compares to you'. So bought the CD - then another. But apart from that track, the sameness of the rest did nothing for me.

I am hard to please I suppose. But Reb at BeWrite hooked me into Scriabin after we discovered we both played piano, and looked for something akin to Chopin but with more teeth.

I'm still sorting the aftermath of my agent debacle - in my blog - and trying to acheive my 1000 daily word target (reduced from 3000 for a while!).
