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Face the promise.

Started by Walker, January 24, 2007, 03:08:33 PM

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Last night my wife and I went to see Bob Seger and the silver bullet band. They're doing their 'Face the promise' tour.
Man, those guys sure can rock after all these years. They played lots of old classics, plus a few off their new cd. Most of the band is still the original members, in fact, only one member wasn't original. The girls doing back up vocals were amazing and the secondary horn section was excellent too, although they can't compete with Alto Reed! That man can play the sax like nobody else-- and talk about a showman. All in all, it was truly excellent and if they happen to hit a town near you, get tickets and go. You won't be sorry. My ears are still ringing, and I'm still singing!

They played 2 encores because the crowd wouldn't stop cheering so they could go home.   :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
"Lord, here comes the flood, we will say goodbye to flesh and blood. If, again, the seas are silent in any still alive, it'll be those who gave their island to survive. Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry."
Peter Gabriel.


 :afro:  Man that sounds amazing... my hubby & I got to see KISS on their reunion tour - the first one, anyway.   :grin:  And Twisted Sister two years ago... Dee Snyder is STILL the man!  :dance:  :dance:
"When Mister Safety Catch is not on, Mister Crossbow is No Longer your Friend."  - Terry Pratchett


Sounds great, Walker - glad to hear you enjoyed the concert.  I take heart that growing old ain't what it used to be and these guys can still be cool in their fifties and sixties.  Hopefully I'll manage to be a tenth as cool by the time I'm that age :afro:

Not in the same league, but me and my youngest nipper (7 yrs old) got up on stage last night at a club in Lanzerote and belted out Song 2 by Blur, on the Kareoke.  We finished to rapturous applause and had to take a bow :dance:  Big fun :grin:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


DragonMom, that Kiss concert sounds pretty cool. They've been around since god and still going strong (still Rock'n and Roll'n all night and partyin' every day, no doubt). Twisted sister sure put out some hits in their day, too. Sounds like a great time.
And Ed, you're still pretty cool, man, rock star or not. Sounds like you and the young lad could take the show on the road and make something of it. Those are the best memories there are. Bar none.
Seger is 61 now and he's still the coolest guy ever. Already in the R&R hall of fame and still givin' er'!

Glad you're back safe and sound, Ed. :smiley:
"Lord, here comes the flood, we will say goodbye to flesh and blood. If, again, the seas are silent in any still alive, it'll be those who gave their island to survive. Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry."
Peter Gabriel.


Thanks, Walker :afro:  We all really enjoyed the break and made the most of every minute.  It's still nice to get back and sleep in my own bed again, though, and to sit up and watch tv with a decent mug of tea.  Having a good shower this morning was a real treat, too - the one in our apartment went from cold, to scalding, to lukewarm, to cold, in cycles, and water flowed from it at a rate where I had to keep moving to stay wet.  :grin:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]