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DAWN of the Dead Interview in Issue #2 of RAZAR

Started by PaulC44446, February 27, 2007, 07:57:01 PM

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RAZAR Magazine has conducted an interview with Leonard Lies; an actor that played in the original "Dawn of the Dead" movie. This interview will be in issue 2 of RAZAR Magazine. However, we've released this interview early on Leonard's site as a PDF download. The site is:

Just click on the link on the left side of his page leading you to the interview.

This interview also talks about the upcoming zombie movie "Reign of the Dead".

Paul Campbell
RAZAR Magazine


Interesting link - thanks for the heads-up, Paul :afro:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Leonard has had some recent problems with his server from what I understand and his regular website was pulled down. He had to put something up quickly so he put up a quick MySpace site. He's currently working on another regular website. However, I'm considering putting a website up for RAZAR using MySpace as well as the regular website. From what I hear, it's a good free networking tool as a lot of people use MySpace. Our techs over at RAZAR are also currently working on a new website that will be up shortly for RAZAR Productions. I'm doing this to be able to seperate RAZAR Magazine and RAZAR Productions to easier serve everyone. It's been kind of hard tracking the two off just one site.

Paul Campbell


You need to be a little bit careful about what you put on MySpace, Paul, because the user agreement signs a load of the rights to your work over to MySpace and their group of companies.  I think I'm right in saying you give them permission, by default, to reproduce and use as they see fit, anything you put on your site, forever.  There's a link to an article about it somewhere here on Doom - look for a topic that says something like "my space, anybody's space".
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]

Robert M. Blevins

I have to go with Blunt on the MySpace warning...

Here in the U.S., they have acquired a very bad reputation. Blunt is right about the assignment of rights to MySpace (and its subsidiaries) anything you post there...forever. Anything on MySpace becomes the property (basically) of MySpace, or enters into public domain.

Many American employers are actually running searches to see if potential employees have sites at MySpace Some use it as an excuse not to hire the employee.
This is a bad sign. When MySpace began, they seemed okay. Now they have degenerated into millions of people waving their hands for attention, no matter who they are. So all the unsavory characters eventually show up there.
They have gotten a bad reputation. Adventure Books had a site there last year. We canceled it after a week.
Among U.S. internet users, if you have a site there, it's like having a millstone tied around your neck and being shoved into the river.
Setting up a site at MySpace also means elbowing your way into a giant crowd and waving your hands, saying "ME! No...over HERE...ME...look at ME!"

But nobody's really looking. Everyone has a mirror there, and they study it often.  :cool:
'Don't give up reaching for the stars...
just build yourself a bigger ladder.'


Thank you both for your imput. I believe I'll take your advise on this one.

Paul Campbell
RAZAR Magazine