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Freaky Victorians again

Started by Ed, May 04, 2007, 06:28:46 PM

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They really did corner the market on weirdness, didn't they? These photos all feature at least one dead person. I find it quite disturbing to think what must have been going through the minds of the living sitters. Apparently it wasn't uncommon to prop open a child's eyes, prop their body up, or tie it to a chair. Sometimes they even painted eyes onto the eyelids. Too spooky.

What must they have been thinking? :/

Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Death was more common than life, especially for the very young. At least the photo lent the impression they kinda lived on...

When on Malta recently I snuck on to the end of a tour of a town house built in 1600.  I usually squirm in socialist hatred of the rich, but in the interest of research for my upcoming best seller, Xaghra's Revenge, I swallowed my politics and listened. The young Byron-looking guide took us into a family room walled with portraits. He mentioned that portraits of children were rarely done as they were considered bad luck - tempting fate as it were. A member of our flock bleated, "But there are babies in that portrait." Indeed, but the guide revealed that if a person was painted sporting a black ribbon, it indicated they were already dead!

So the photographing of dead peeps was preceded by illustrious artists performing the same favour using artistic code.



Okay, I can understand grieving parents not wanting to let go. Even if the child is older. But the NUNS????  :scratch:
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