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Started by Neuromancer, May 15, 2007, 02:05:14 AM

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Hey, I have been pondering an idea for the last few days.  I had trouble of finding a location to ask such a question because all of the places I usually frequent on the web are Tech based forums.  I completely forgot about Cafedoom because I stopped writing.  Recently I started attending college,  (and still l am not writing) even though I am taking writing heavy classes.  Actually...

Okay... I am no writer... you can read my SS and stuff on here... I may at best be called a typist... but even that is a glorification of my ability. So why am I here asking questions?

Simple I figure that, literary people are educated beyond simple writing classes. There must be some type of higher education going on, and that is my crux. 

I am currently going to Uni for a Comp-Sci degree, because, hey I always wanted to say I had a degree in BS.. (Bachelors of Science or Baccalaureate... or something for Europeans...) well I think that’s the difference in the names, not positive.  Anyway.. I found a new favorite class... rather 2 classes.. 2 teachers specifically,  one is an English teacher, the other is a doctor (of history I assume, but she has foreign exchange UN stuff under her belt, so not positive... she teaches history though).

Both teachers have asked me to return next semester... history was a fall through, wanted, but couldnt. Have a strict schedule I need to follow... However I need to take another English
class and a race class, both taught by one of my English teachers this semester.  Now he has ulterior motives.  He wants philosophy students...that’s his love, and that what his English classes basically are.  All English we read he relates to other things... (It was a poetry class... next semester is prose though)  I am not complaining to more easy A's and I do learn a lot... what an education was totally about.  Expanding your experience and all that.

There are other problems that occurred, I am attending school on a Veterans Disability program and because of my disability, I missed almost the last month of school.  Granted my grades were so good through my classes it didn’t matter.. I dropped to a B average, Still good enough to keep my scholarship.

My problem is, I can only go to school if I have a viable degree path in mind.  The VA for some reason thinks that a Comp-Sci (oh computer science) is a marketable path... and if you don’t know anything about computers it seems likely..  I knew more about computers then my Masters Degree Comp-Sci major boss at my last job (he was Canadian though) but I wasn’t a programmer.  I don’t want to be a programmer.  That’s like a janitor among computer geeks.  Knowing how to program is important… but calling a programmer is like calling someone to cut your lawn… it’s not a limited or college educated skill, but unfortunately, I don’t think my college has much of a diaspora of computer science degrees, and hence forth I do not know what else it can lead too.  Other options are Computer Security (sort of cool in a not really kind of way) and computer engineering, the real geeks, something I am not…

I recently tested and I think this is an adequate description of me… normally analytic personalities are also logical.. Something I thought I was.  I tested… Analytic/Intuitive, which means I am an educated guesser.  Philosophy is a perfect career path, or even history… I need a career choice that is economically viable however… (can I take classes to make me able to teach?) I don’t want to teach. I want to research.. I like it.. I like reading stuff and coming up with my own ideas…

Computer Engineering is the ideal major for me… but I don’t have the math skills for it… and I am taking the classes as I can… it’s not easy when you only got to half of them and don’t study  .  History/Philosophy, I study, logic should not require studying… if the teacher does his job….. JMH.  I know thats wrong.. .amybe I just need the right teachers... or a tutor or something... I am not hte book learner I thought I was apparently...  (oh yah... also should be noted... despite my good english grades.. I score very poorly on readin comprehension???)

I am pretty prtoud of my last paper.. ( was suposed to be LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka's "Dutchman" as a double consciousness piece)... I took it a atep further and made it an Islamic allegory and an auto-biographical piece.  It actually was a fluke I went that way.. I thought that Lulu shaped him  and went all gayass writerish and wantend a metaphor... so I said "She shaped him like clay and made a new man"  That wasnt good enough.. I was thinking hey.. I kow some god made man out of clay so I researched it.. and had not hear of any of them on google... and was like oh my god?  Didnt the muslim god do that?  and isnt he a black guy and his name changed to an arabic one???

Sometime later during a mispelling I realized that teh main black charecters name is Clay, which is the clay that the god formed.... 

Hence the allegory :)

I was a little stoned so if it doesnt make sense.. then I understand...

EDIT: I would like a recommendation for a career path I can show to the VA, preferrably something in what I like... reading and guessing

Yes I am a writer, but my critics call me a typist.--Salem's Lot


Have you considered a Professional Writing Degree (MS)?

My guess is the Undergrad degree would be English, but people in our program come from a wide range of backgrounds and degrees.

Take a peek. People actually are employable with this, which I guess is why the VA is being picky. They want the folks to get JOBS after they graduate. AND you can combine your techie background with this and actually write computer manuals that make sense, as opposed to the mind-numbing drivel you usually find as "reference manuals."

Good luck. :afro:
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


Good idea, Sharon :afro: Asking careers advice from me is a non starter - I've never settled upon a career I would like to do, and that's why I'm stuck in construction :grin: (highly qualified at it, but certainly not what I like doing)
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]