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Garage sale

Started by Geoff_N, October 08, 2007, 02:03:57 PM

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Yesterday, my wife advised me to do something with the accumulated rubbish in the garage. It had long ago completed its role as a receptacle for a motor car and now houses both my bikes, which have to negotiate a narrow path in the garage to their sleeping posts. I've ordered a rubbish skip for next week so I started sorting. After a couple of hours I'd reached the pre-cambrian sedimentary layer just above the concrete floor. I found a sale post - the estate agent advert that announced to passer-byes that our house was sold. 30 years ago we moved into this house. I remember that sign lying on my front lawn for two months waiting for the agency to collect it. So can you guess what I did with it?

Yes, I stuck it back out front showing just above our hedge.  And then I went on my Sunday bike ride.

Within an hour my wife had three neighbours visit to ask where we were moving to and why hadn't she told them we were moving! Hah! She didn't speak to me all last night...



Naughty, naughty, Geoff!! :grin:
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


Heh, heh. Still, at least you get a good night's sleep in the spare bed :afro:

Odd coincidence here - I've just spent the whole weekend emptying the contents of my two sheds and my garage into a skip. Worryingly, despite two trips to the dump with a pickup truck piled high with stuff, the skip is full and so are the sheds and the garage, still. :/

My weirdo neighbour came out and said something like, "Do you mean to say you ordered that skip purely to take the contents of your sheds?" I resisted the temptation to say there's still room for a corpse if you don't STFU, you smug bastard :bleh:

Haven't even started on the greenhouse, yet :huh:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


I seem to recall a flash fiction in CD about a busy body neighbor who was led to a shed and offed.  :evil: :evil: Next time he's poking about, ask him if he'd like to see how clean the shed is. Bring your duct tape! ;D
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain