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The good morning, good night thread

Started by Ed, October 22, 2007, 03:49:05 AM

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I'm on a high speed connection and seldom have problems, but Cafe Doom was running really slowly for me yesterday. Odd because other sites were operating as usual. All seems fine again this morning. Luck of the draw, I guess. By the way, any of you guys with Dell disappointed with the keyboards? I find that some letters and spaces don't register at my usual typing speed and have to either slow down or backtrack and make repairs. Neil


I have the most basic Dell keyboard, used at breakneck speeds for the last couple of years, and have had no problem whatsoever (beyond the letters wearing off, which doesn't matter as I touch type). Best keyboard I've ever owned. Sounds like you've got a duff one, Neil.


With the site speed problem over the past couple of days - the hosts had to reset the server a couple of times, because the operating system froze. If you ask me, that's because they're not running the servers  as they should be. As soon as this crit session is over I intend to move to a better and more reliable host, but the site may be down for a day or two, or we may lose a few posts from that day or two, while the name propogates to the new DNS server.
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


There's a hard frost on the ground, everything's sparkly and white, and I want a TREE! The urge has come upon me... so I'm going to wrap up well and motor down to Raby Castle. Best place to buy them round here. Always freshly cut, always cheap. "Why do you want a tree?" hubby asks. "For the children," I reply. "Ha!" his look says. Okay, it's for me really - the children are grown up, and might query the lack of a tree when they visit, but probably wouldn't be heartbroken.



Thanks guys. I'm feeling tons better. I'm definitely gonna go ahead and try the honey, though, because my throat still feels like I swallowed gasoline followed by a lit match! I don't know about the VapoRub thing. I sometimes put lotion on my hands and feet (dry skin) and wear socks and gloves to bed, so it wouldn't be too weird. Maybe I'll try it tonight, if I'm not at 100 percent.

I've had a Dell keyboard going on 5 years now, and never had a problem out of it. My computer, on the other hand, sucks!


Quote from: delph_ambi on December 12, 2007, 05:43:39 AM
There's a hard frost on the ground, everything's sparkly and white, and I want a TREE! The urge has come upon me... so I'm going to wrap up well and motor down to Raby Castle. Best place to buy them round here. Always freshly cut, always cheap. "Why do you want a tree?" hubby asks. "For the children," I reply. "Ha!" his look says. Okay, it's for me really - the children are grown up, and might query the lack of a tree when they visit, but probably wouldn't be heartbroken.


Go for it, Delph  :sthumb: I think anything that brightens the house at this time of the year is worthwhile. To me, it's one of the best parts of Christmas - the decs, a few good blowout meals, meeting up with family and friends, etc. Good stuff  :ssmiley
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


I just mooch of my parent's holiday spirit  :santa_wink:
They get the tree, we visit and admire the tree. And of course we bring their furry little flatulent grandson with us! It wouldn't be christmas without a dog dressed up in a stupid outfit.


I threw away my Dell keyboard within a couple of months (I had to press too hard for some keys to work, and the backspace sometimes took two characters away at a time as if it was a hard editor!) and bought a cheapo.

My legs are stiff today after a 15 miles hilly hike over three mountains yesterday, all in the interests of fiction authenticity! Details and photo link in my blog.



I bought the tree, and was delighted to find some sprigs of mistletoe tangled up in the branches. Also bought a partridge, couple of rabbits and some venison.  :ssmiley


Oh man, that sounds SO much better than what my mom cooks!


Ah, we don't eat rabbit in this house since our daughter started keeping them as pets. It would just feel wrong  :ssmiley


You saying that reminds me of watching one of those tribal programmes, where the tribe lived in Indonesia, in an ever shrinking forest. They had a pet dog, but would hunt and kill dogs to eat, among other things. When the reporter pointed at their dog and asked if they would ever eat it, the native guy looked taken aback, maybe even insulted. His answer was, "No, of course not - he's one of the family." It suppose it might seem weird to some, but I can see where he was coming from :scratch:

I love venison, Delph - are you going to make a game pie with all that free range meat?
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


mmmm.... game pie. Salivating at the thought. Might well do. I'll ask the kids what they want when they come home at Christmas. Poor old hubby won't be eating it though - after a boyhood spent shooting pigeons and rabbits etc for the pot, he can't face game these days and is virtually vegetarian.


I was going to cycle a 34 hilly miles round trip to grab a haircut this morning, but the roads around here remain white with frost so I chickened out.


Geoff - master of nature - chickening out?!  :santa_cheesy: