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What do you like to listen to?

Started by Ed, November 26, 2007, 07:08:48 PM

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Kind of an oldies Christmas guy myself.  Every year when we trim the tree and such we dig up the Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby etc... CD's after a couple of glasses of wine who the hell cares what's playing anyway--right? :idiot:
OMG!! Soylent Green is people!!!


I love those too :afro:, but I grew up with 'The Bells of Dublin' in the house-- often out of season! It will always be first, I think. 'O Holy Night' with Ricki Lee Jones is just brilliant :smitten:, and I don't see a wren without the Wren Medley running through my head.

I associate baking with Sinatra, Crosby, etc.; they've always been the Christmas favorites in my grandparent's house. My paternal grandmother, until the last few years, has always baked dozens and dozens of cookies for Christmas. I have fond memories of singing 'White Christmas' at the top of my lungs, covered from head to toe in flour, cocoa and molasses. (Really, it's not such a different image from how I am when I bake now; except now I'm more likely to be singing something by System of a Down.... :grin: Despite my best attempts, I am not neat!)


I assure you, Grill, to those of us among the non-drinking-- it matters very much what is playing!  :grin: There is nothing like being stuck in a room with semi-buzzed people when an intolerable song comes on, and you are the only one to notice!
I think, Sebastian, there for I am.
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Rev. Austin

I do like the old classics, as it were, but I also occasionally listen to 'The V/VVM Christmas Pudding', which is an album of horribly mangled Christmas hits, as destroyed by the noise artist V/VM.  It's certainly not easy-listening, and is without a doubt the most evil thing you'll ever hear, but as a counterpoint to hearing 'Rock n Roll Christmas' in every single department store it's unrivalled  :grin:
Stay in touch! I don't mean that in a pervy way.


Quote from: Rook on November 27, 2010, 10:56:36 PM

I assure you, Grill, to those of us among the non-drinking-- it matters very much what is playing!  :grin: There is nothing like being stuck in a room with semi-buzzed people when an intolerable song comes on, and you are the only one to notice!

Urgh -- I hate it when I'm the only sober person in the room. It also makes be worry how much of a twat I make of myself, without knowing, when I've had a few.
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


I like the sound of the V/VVM Christmas Pudding. My favourite alternative Xmas album is the Trojan box set of Christmas reggae classics. Example:


Quote from: JonP on November 28, 2010, 06:30:18 AM
I like the sound of the V/VVM Christmas Pudding. My favourite alternative Xmas album is the Trojan box set of Christmas reggae classics. Example:

You're kidding, right? :fugly:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Quote from: Robert Essig on November 27, 2010, 09:23:41 PM
Speaking of good Chistmas music, there's Jethro Tull Christmas album that is very good.  Came out four or five years ago I think.  I don't know what it's called, but I'd like to get my hands on it.

It's called, rather originally, 'The Jethro Tull Christmas Album.' It was first released in 2004 and is available at the official Jethro Tull web site if you can't find it in the shops. 
Some may say slaughtered is too strong a word...but I like the sound of it.

Robert Essig

Quote from: Caz on November 28, 2010, 12:35:16 PM
Quote from: Robert Essig on November 27, 2010, 09:23:41 PM
Speaking of good Chistmas music, there's Jethro Tull Christmas album that is very good.  Came out four or five years ago I think.  I don't know what it's called, but I'd like to get my hands on it.

It's called, rather originally, 'The Jethro Tull Christmas Album.' It was first released in 2004 and is available at the official Jethro Tull web site if you can't find it in the shops. 

That's the one!  I think I'll have to seek it out for Christmas this year.
Robert's blog

Look for my debut novel THROUGH THE IN BETWEEN, HELL AWAITS in 2012 from Grand Mal Press.


Life is an entanglement of lies to hide it's basic mechanisms. - William Burroughs


I've so far managed to resist the delights of Richard Cheese, but I guess it's only a matter of time. I do love an inappropriate cover version.

This is a genuinely good alternative Christmas CD, though:


The 'Christmas music' from Handel's 'Messiah' always puts me in the right mood this time of year. Also of course, the exquisite Shepherds' Farewell from Berlioz's 'L'Enfance du Christ'. Absolutely gorgeous. Nearly on a par with Wizzard's 'When the snowman brings the snow'.


I love silly holiday music.  "The Hat I Got For Christmas Is Too Beeg" by Mel Blanc is one of my favorite songs of all time.  Ole!


Watched this programme the other day on BBC 4 that featured David Gray, KT Tunstall and Ray LaMontagne singing their songs and talking about how they write, where the ideas come from, etc. I found it really interesting, and enjoyed the music very much. I never particularly listened to KT Tunstall before, but watching her on this prog made me realise what a talent she is. You can tell she used to busk, I think. Impressive how in this song and Black Horse she sets up her own samples at the beginning of the song and goes on to give one hell of a rich performance for a single artist. Love this track:

I see there's a link on screen to watch the whole programme if you want to. Well worthwhile, IMO :smiley:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]



Been getting into Elbow recently. Only three years behind the rest of the country :grin:

Urf... restricted on certain sites, huh? ::)

Try again...

Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]