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Publish America suing Preditors and Editors

Started by Ed, March 02, 2008, 01:44:23 PM

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Ouch. That's the trouble with court cases - it really is a big gamble. No matter how airtight your case seems to be, it could still go either way. I could have sworn it was cut and dry in favour of P&E. After Atlanta Nights, I thought it was obvious what PA was about.
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


The problem is that PA is a leopard but with changing spots. So when past experience allows their former authors to make claims about their contracts forcing them to buy a miniumum number of their own books at outrageous prices, that is all smudgy these days. Also you couldn't really claim the acceptance of the spoof Atlanta Nights (with it being written by uncoordinated authors, some characters dying in early chapters and finding them alive again later) by PA was strong evidence to show they didn't do any editing with other submissions. Atlanta Nights is hilarious because it is so bad. Maybe an editor thought so too and that as a fantasy, more or less anything goes. At least that's what PA could argue. However, in the court case little of that was brought up. The action was not so much PA as a publisher against allegations of it being a rip-off to unsuspecting aspiring novelists as an action by their lawyer, Victor E Cretella against David Kuzminski over personal allegations about his integrity. The details of the charges and those that were dismissed are here

David is considering an appeal.

If PA, via their lawyer's case, wins, then who is next in their firing line?



Sad news about the outcome. I'd expected something rather more reasonable and just.

It's all a cautionary warning to watch out what you say publicly about people, isn't it?
If people stand in a circle long enough, they will eventually begin to dance. -- George Carlin