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Undead teachers in NYC

Started by bintarab, March 23, 2008, 03:36:31 PM

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A friend of mine sent me this link about the Rubber Room in NYC for public school teachers who are facing charges of misconduct/insubordination/incompetence (some are not told why they are under investigation) or who are awaiting re-assignment due to personality conflicts with their principal. (Halfway down the page, you'll see a thumbnail of school windows with a street sign warning about a school crossing. If you click on Full Episode, you'll get the whole shebang. The Rubber Room story starts after the first seven minutes and lasts for 23 mins.)

It is a far more horrible thing than any encounter with zombies that I can imagine. I worked as a public high school teacher for only four years, but I never once heard of the Rubber Room (officially called a "reassignment center" or something like that), nor do I know anyone who's ever been through it.

Until one of the teachers played his recording of the space, I had imagined a quiet kind of limbo. Actually, it's making me think that must be what a zombie experiences: the world sounds loud, chaotic, insensible, and hostile, even if it doesn't seem that way to ordinary people. What a nightmare!
