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Started by delph_ambi, July 15, 2008, 05:28:47 PM

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When I want to look at the forum, I go to my favourites where I have a direct link to the index. However, if I try to come in any other way than through favourites, I can never find the index. I'm probably being ultra-ffick here, but where is it? None of the links that I see at the top ever take me to it. What am I doing wrong? Thing is, if I tried to come here using any other computer than my own, I wouldn't at the moment know how to do it.



Yeah - my bad, actually. Because you're using the Default SMF theme, Delph, you get a different set of navigation buttons at the top of your page. There should be two buttons - Home, and Forum, but there's only 'Home', which takes you to the portal page. The reason for this is there's still a glitch left in the forum software after our recent upgrade. To fix it, I've got to do a big manual upgrade and try to track down some new TinyPortal themes to replace the old ones. It's all very boring and time consuming, but I'm planning to get on with it as soon as I pluck up the courage (something always seems to go horribly wrong that ends with me tearing my hair out at around three in the morning after spending eight hours solid fighting the software).

If you're ever stuck for a button, typing into your browser address bar and hitting enter should get you to the forum index. Not ideal, I know.

Sorry for the delay :/
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Thanks Ed. It's a relief to know it's not due to me missing something obvious  :D