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What's for dinner?

Started by SamLeeFreak, July 29, 2008, 04:06:56 PM

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This is a topic I turn to every day with great anticipation. I love food, whether it be eating it or talking about it. You could say I am a bit of a gourmand  ::) So spill people, what's cookin'?

Right now my house is full of the smell of broth simmering. Last night Ying put some ox tails, asparagas, and a big juicy onion in the crock pot and it's coming to fruition nicely. I'm hoping he'll put yellow noodles into it later, we got some new ones at the Chinese grocery.

Crap, I forgot to thaw the crawfish tails! EEP  :shocked:


Cool - I love Chinese cuisine. Although being a veggie, not all of it is that appetizing...
Tonight I feasted on buckwheat, tofu schnitzels and steamed broccoli with a drizzle of olive oil. First time I've tried buckwheat after reading about how healthy it was. Disappointed to find that it was quite bland. Like most things that are good for you I suppose.
A little while ago I discovered that quinoa (usually bland and tasteless) is much nicer if you grate some sweet potato and cook it with soy sauce and a bit of vegetable stock, then mix it all together.
Anyone have any nice veggie recipes? 


No veggie recipes, just a warning: unless your a strict Buddhist, there's no such thing as "vegetarian" in China. So if you travel there, make sure it's a Buddhist restauraunt! The same goes for most Chinese restaurants in the states. Basically "no meat" means no large pieces of meat. Animals fat (to grease the wok) is not meat. Nor is the residue from previous meat dishes.

I used to be a vegetarian, so I sympathize with having to be vigilant when eating out.


I used to like nothing more than finger rolls. Neighbours complained when their kids returned home minus a digit now and then, so I changed my menu. It was only after losing the taste of geriatric blood in blood oranges that I turned veggie. It is difficult to gorge on a genuine Cafe Doom horror writers' diet when you're a veggie. Nevertheless, tomato can have a kick when laced with sufficient vodka.


Weirdest restaurant I ever went to was in Taiwan. The menu purported to offer everything from Chicken to Beef and Pork. Except that it was all fabricated out of tofu. Amazing what you can do with a bit of soya. Actually, scrub that - it wasn't that amazing, now I come to think of it ...


Hey, there's one of those places across from my house. I go in there a fair bit actually because it's £5 for all you can eat. Amazing what you can find in Acton, eh?


My wife's cooking is awful. Tonight she made this tuna bake thing. It consisted of normal things that should go together relatively well, like pasta, tuna, cheese, onion and tomato (I personally don't think tomato goes with tuna, but...), anyway, the kids were practically crying at the thought they might be made to eat it or go hungry. When I got home from work they were sat at the table glum faced with full plates. I tasted some and then smelled the dish, and I kid you not - it smelt like poop. It really did. So I also refused to eat it, and had microwaved jacket spuds instead, topped with prawn mayo and accompanied by a salad. :/ (also pretty awful, so I made myself a bacon butty later, while my wife was out)

Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Best restaurant I ever went to, I started with a plate of crystallized ginger locust and sugared scorpions. Whole ones. Yummy and crunchy.

Second course involved more seemingly inedible things, most of which I tried, but the best memory is watching my 'hard as nails' mate leg it whilst turning green!


My most memorable vegan meal out was at the Manchester Playboy Club. My wife's science department had their Christmas do there a few years back. I'd phoned ahead and the chef said he'd do his vegan special curry. I feasted on a roast hazlenut curry that remains the best I've ever tasted. Everyone near me heard my orgasmic cries and came for forkfuls. Even cute bunny girls tried some.

While in Offenbach a while back, the headteacher of Schillerschule treated me and other staff to a meal at a Vietnamese restaurant. I'm always a bit cagey that the vegan meals might be cooked in fish oil, etc  but I was mightily impressed by being presented with a separate vegan menu. That never happens in the UK. I opted for a marinated tofu stirfry, and like with Jon's meals above, had cystalized ginger - the works. I like stir fries but this was outstanding. I slobbered slowly savouring all night.
