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Zombie BBQ!

Started by mchankwilliams, August 25, 2008, 12:29:14 PM

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Hey there folks. Normally I don't like to do stuff like this, but I thought this crowd would get a kick out of it. The company I work for, Destineer, just announced that we'll be publishing the video game "Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ" in the US.

It's an action game for Nintendo DS in which you play as Red while she blasts her way through hordes of undead who have invaded Fairy Tale Land. It's as ridiculous as it sounds in the best possible way. Here's the game's official site (from its developer).

Anyway, thought this might be the right crowd to share it with!

MC Hank


Hah - that looks like a blast (literally) :grin: Cheers, Hank :afro:
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