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There's hungry, and then there's hungry

Started by Ed, May 05, 2009, 02:53:08 AM

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Weird... :scratch:

A Serbian union official has cut off his little finger and eaten it, in protest at unpaid wages. Zoran Bulatovic used a hacksaw to remove the digit, and said "it hurt like hell".

He said some workers at the Raska Holding textile factory in Novi Pazar had been waiting years to be paid, and had nothing to eat, so he ate his finger to make an example.

His colleagues threatened to follow suit, one at a time, but any further DIY amputations have been put on hold until talks are held with the Government on Tuesday.

Raska was once a major textile firm, but its workforce has dwindled from 4,000 in the 1980s to around 100.

Some of its staff have not been paid for years, only receiving benefits such as medical care.

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