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Scary stuff

Started by Ed, March 20, 2005, 01:05:57 PM

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This is an audio recording from an excorcism carried out on a fifteen year-old girl in Russia :o 

Article -

Thoughts? :/
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


I've just been reading the extended article, and thought this bit was particularly poignant -

In Russia, Eugene has witnessed unusual things at these open deliverance services. He says he has seen demons speaking [through people] to one another in the church. "The demons use the people's voices and speak to one another in the church and also discuss things that the people in which they live could not possibly know," Eugene says.

In the case of the sixteen-year-old girl, she was in a one-on-one session with Father Basil. Watching from just several feet away, Eugene could see that the girl possessed extraordinary strength as her mother struggled to keep her seated. As can be heard on the recording, her voice changed radically. Her face contorted and displayed "total hate" for the priest as she cursed at him.

Toward the end of the recording, the girl, with an unearthly voice, shouts something in Russian at the priest. The translation, Eugene says, is, "I am not leaving her! I am not!"


Link -


Ooer - now that's something I would like to see.  A hoard of demons chatting to one another, talking shop, whilst using possessed bodies :o

It might seem like an odd thing to say, but the way I see it is that if you witness something like that, it follows that there must be an equal and opposite in the world with us.  Being that we don't get to see many miracles, I think it would be a second rate confirmation that some 'race' of good beings walk amongst us too.

Interesting related fact - a recent survey found that more Americans believed in angels than in God.  Doesn't that strike anybody as being strange? :scratch:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Quote from: blunt on March 20, 2005, 03:46:59 PM
I've just been reading the extended article, and thought this bit was particularly poignant -

In Russia, Eugene has witnessed unusual things at these open deliverance services. He says he has seen demons speaking [through people] to one another in the church. "The demons use the people's voices and speak to one another in the church and also discuss things that the people in which they live could not possibly know," Eugene says.

Demons using people's voices ... speaking to one another in the church ... discussing things that the people with whom they live could not possibly know ...

You haven't hung around in our local greasy spoon, have you? They know everything there and speak in all kinds of evil voices! Ah, small town living.
If people stand in a circle long enough, they will eventually begin to dance. -- George Carlin


I haven't figured out how to use the quote thing, Blunt.  Actually, I was thinking about the God/Angel thing you mentioned. It doesn't strike me as strange at all. I'm not a Christian and don't believe in a MonoGod but I have no problem with the existence of angels. That would be pretty cool, acutally.

As for "demon-possesion": There is obviously a real phenomenon of some kind going on with the people who suffer these ailments. I'm sure that science will find a perfectly reasonable explanation for it (and ghosts and angels) one day and then it will be "simple." It wasn't that long ago that everything in the friekin' world scared the hell out of humans  :hidin:--because they simply didn't understand it.


 :hidin:  that was a bit scary, however I don't think that was a  recording of an exorcism, you can do a lot of things with sound nowadays.

I may be an ignorant, but at least I am a happy ignorant :lol:
Simon Holm Pedersen
- Has a great appetite for booze and guns, in that exact order.


Quote from: kimbly on March 25, 2005, 02:23:55 AM
I haven't figured out how to use the quote thing, Blunt.  Actually, I was thinking about the God/Angel thing you mentioned. It doesn't strike me as strange at all. I'm not a Christian and don't believe in a MonoGod but I have no problem with the existence of angels. That would be pretty cool, acutally.

As for "demon-possesion": There is obviously a real phenomenon of some kind going on with the people who suffer these ailments. I'm sure that science will find a perfectly reasonable explanation for it (and ghosts and angels) one day and then it will be "simple." It wasn't that long ago that everything in the friekin' world scared the hell out of humans  :hidin:--because they simply didn't understand it.

To quote, just press the quote button instead of the reply button - you can then edit the quote down to what you want to respond to.  Alternatively, when replying to a post, look down under the window you type in, and you'll see the last few replies - on the right of each reply is 'insert quote' - if you click it, that reply will be quoted in your reply.  Yet another way is to copy and paste some text, then select it, by holding down your left mouse button and dragging over the text - when it's highlighted, press the 'quote' button (second from the right on the bottom row, nect to the button with the # hash mark on it).

Anyhoo - yeah, that would be cool, to have angels hanging around.  Not so sure about the demons though :o :grin:

As for demonic possession, most people that are thought to be possessed are actually schizophrenics.  However, there are a few cases where there seems to be more going on than medical or even physical science can explain (or ever will be able to, maybe).  If you can believe in angels, or even ghosts, it isn't much of a leap to believe in demons, or ghosts, taking possession of living humans :o  I don't know what I think about it, but I find the subject fascinating - and scary :wha:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]