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Dead on Earth

Started by Grillmeat, October 15, 2010, 06:27:19 PM

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Well, here is the first part of the project I have been working on for the last few months.
This graphic novel is going to be out at Zombiecon in Seattle the end of the month. It features each of the writers of the series, giving a page or two of their diary entries. I have a character in it and I think it turned out pretty neat.
Our actual diary covers three months of writing, though most will be shorter as the head of the project doesn't want us all to end at the same time.
Jonathan Maberry and David Moody both did intros for the piece and it turned out pretty cool. I've seen an advance copy but we're not allowed to say much until it comes out for sale.
Link is here in case you are interested. The Kindle version is what's up now but the actual graphic novel will be available around the same time as it goes out to Zombiecon. Link:
OMG!! Soylent Green is people!!!


Looks interesting - congrats!


Good one, Grill -- congrats :afro:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]



Read my most recent winning Global Short Story Competition entry:

Rev. Austin

This is what I had to drop out of because I didn't have as much time to dedicate to it as I initially thought, but Clarke's been really nice about it all and I'm welcome back into the fold whenever I want, which is very cool.  I really hope it does well!  And of course, nice one Grill :afro:  ;)
Stay in touch! I don't mean that in a pervy way.


Yeah, he has been a real easy guy to work with-as have all the writers and artists.
I am hearing rumors of another project after this one wraps up. Maybe something with mutants and superheros-so you might get another crack at it Rev.
OMG!! Soylent Green is people!!!



Though when I click on the link I get this:
   "Looking for something?
We're sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site "

Probably a temporary glitch?


On a slightly different note, the editors have opened up a Dead on Earth store. I cruised it today and found this:
This is a picture of some of the art work from the graphic novel of my character Simon Decker.
Had to laugh. I never thought I would write for a character that would end up in comic book and possibly worn on someone's chest!
OMG!! Soylent Green is people!!!

Rev. Austin
Stay in touch! I don't mean that in a pervy way.


Very cool. I think the artist did a nice job with it!
OMG!! Soylent Green is people!!!