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Technical help with word

Started by fnord33, April 25, 2011, 04:49:10 PM

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I'm not sure what happened, but I'm missing a whole chapter that I rewrote a few days ago.  :'( I could swear I saved it and it autosaves anyway, but when I opened it today it's back the way it was before I rewrote it. My PC restarted itself and screwed me out of a lot of good work. Is there any way to browse all the files that I've had open or resurrect old drafts? When I open word after a power surge it usually pops a thing up on the left asking what version I want, but it didn't do that this time. Also, I opened more than 4 files looking for it, so the file tab isn't going to work unless there's a way to expand it. I'm about ready to throw my PC out the window. Please help.     
Life is an entanglement of lies to hide it's basic mechanisms. - William Burroughs


Check your temp folders. Sometimes PCs save temporary files that can be opened more frequently than autosaving. Hope you are able to recover it. There are some tools out there as well, but I wouldn't bet on them working for this.
Author of Dark Fiction -


Speaking of temp folders, there is likely one in your root system folder, one in your user folder, as well as one for your user word folder and application folder. So make sure to check them all for an old version. It also will likely be named as all numbers so you won't be able to identify it without opening it.
Author of Dark Fiction -


The only thing I can think of is to use the search feature on your PC, looking for the file name, even in hidden folders, then if you're lucky you'll find the file you're looking for with a tilda on the end of the name. Good luck with it. It's a real bummer losing work like that :/
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


One more thought occurred to me. If you are sure you saved it, make sure you didn't accidentally save it under under title. I once saved over another story by accident and it took me weeks to figure out that I had retained what I had written, but lost a story as a result. I would check save dates for this, as more recent dates would indicate a possibility.
Author of Dark Fiction -


I tried all that and then some, but no luck. It's the weirdest thing. I'd be tempted to think I dreamed I'd written it if I hadn't found the other document where I was deleting things from the original version as they were added to the new one. I don't think I'll have it ready by the end of the month, so I'll have to submit something else to the group.
Life is an entanglement of lies to hide it's basic mechanisms. - William Burroughs


Author of Dark Fiction -


These things happen, apparently. Thanks for the help. This really makes me wonder though. There have bee quite a few instances where I find things I thought I fixed and have to fix them again. I'm beginning to think a little elf comes out when I've finished writing and stands on cntrl z just to fuck with me.
Life is an entanglement of lies to hide it's basic mechanisms. - William Burroughs


I've not had that kind of problem for years. When I was a system manager, few stations would might have that kind of losing latest changes, and I'd have to re-install Office on them. Could be your Office has been corrupted, assuming you have a virus checker and so it isn't that. I'd remove Office and reinstall to be on the safe side. I'd also do an Advanced Search using a phrase inside your story rather than elements of the title.

Always back up stories each time you change them. Onto a memory stick, email them to yourself, etc

Good luck,
