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Flash Challenge Story Winners for POD-casting

Started by SharonBell, August 18, 2005, 06:46:52 AM

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By Ed Dempster

The stench of gasoline and burning hair was seared into his brain almost two years ago.  People say you can get used to anything, given time, but with nubs for fingers, paper thin uber-sensitive skin and this noxious odour pervading his existence, Jerry disagreed.

Likewise, the taunts of children as he walked down the street, and the second glances of adults not sure of what they saw. 

Doctor Fager had said, "I can make you a new nose, eyelids and lips, Jerry – it's amazing the things we can do these days." He smiled that disgusted pitiful smile as he said it.

Like an amateur ventriloquist, Jerry said, "Thank you, Doctor Fager."

The painkillers made him puke, made him see strange colours through his irrigated eyes, gave him vivid dreams that blurred with reality.  But as he urged bile into paper dishes, his slit-sausage flesh still screamed pleas to his brain.

When the bandages came off, Jerry asked for a mirror.  They wouldn't give him one.  He should wait until the swelling went down, they said. 

He waited.

Doctor Fager had a kind face.  It came off quite easily, along with the scalp and hair.  It was the sewing onto its new home that was difficult.  Nubs don't handle a needle and thread as well as proper fingers.

But as the dead skin blackened and passers-by stared again, Jerry decided on suicide.  This time he would jump from a tall building. 

Gravity makes no mistakes.
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


Simon The Wonder Dog
By Simon Holm Pedersen

There is something conspicuous
About severe malnutrition
It screams out; he's doing it all for attention
Has he no shame?
When kids in Ethiopia
See him walking by
They salivate and exclaim:
What a treat, is he walking grease?
And I can only say
Simon is the wonder dog
And I have all of Jesus' spikes

Thus the imagination is hardly stretched
When he says that he has a lean mean figure
A watchtower for dogs all around
What can I say?
He is a marvel man!

This statutory denial
Embedded in your spinal cord
Does it represent a sort of humanity's
Bermuda triangle
Fixed water for the thirsty?
Holy water for John the Baptist?

Within reason I can safely say
That Simon is the wonder dog
And that is not random hearsay

"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


By Joyce Carter

Sophie was dragged from her first sleep after forty-eight straight hours on duty by the telephone.

She croaked into the receiver, 'DS Harper.'

'Sophie?'  She knew the voice.  It was the desk sergeant.  'Sorry to disturb you.  Your sister's wandering again.  There's a patrol on its way round there, but...'

'I understand.  What's Carla doing this time?'

'She's moved some of next door's garden furniture to the house across the street.  And she's smeared mud on their patio doors.  Sorry, Sophie.'

She went straight to the old family home.  Maybe she would be able to see her sister inside with a minimum of fuss – settle her down, get her to take a tablet.

There was Carla.  She happily came to the house, but there was a problem.  Everything was closed and locked.  They'd need a locksmith.

Sophie sighed.  At least she could put right what Carla had been playing with before the other officers arrived, then it would only be a family matter.

The plastic furniture was easy to move and stack on the front lawn next door.  Then she went back to house opposite to clean the glass doors, dipping water from their pool, and wiping with her hands.  It wouldn't be perfect, but it showed willing.

The spotlight from the patrol car pinned her there.  The driver went to talk to the householder at the door, while a man in a white coat came to Sophie.

'DS Harper,' she said.  'I've come out without my warrant card.'

'I expect we'll find it back at the section house,' he said, leading her to the car. 
'Sorry again,' she heard behind her.  'It's usually when they change her medication.  She really was a DS once, you know.'

After the sting of the hypodermic, she didn't bother to comment.
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


Fixer Upper
By Sharon Bell Buchbinder

"The house needs some work," said the newest member of the realtors' million-dollar-club.

Water pooled on cracked ceramic flooring. Holes gaped where appliances once stood. Kitchen cabinets acted as rodent condominiums. Epithets in multiple languages painted on bedroom walls. The flat roof sagged downward and a wall swayed at an angle. Weeds and bamboo choked the front yard. A gaping chasm of ten years of deferred maintenance awaited the victim foolish enough to sign on the dotted line. 

My husband gazed around the cavernous, stained, wolf spider infested house.

"Wow. How soon can we occupy it?" he said and smiled.

"Are you out of your mind?" I said. "This is unlivable."

"Our dining room table will fit right here."  He crunched over broken parquet flooring.

He led me to the kitchen littered with mouse turds.

"Look at all the storage space in the kitchen."

"The bank is very motivated to sell," the agent said. "They'll even do a property swap."

I looked at my husband's glowing face.

"Any kind of property?" I asked.

"They'd have to assess it, but yes, any kind." She smiled.

Our little cedar and fieldstone house was in perfect repair and had not a single leak--and memories of me begging him not to leave me for my transgression, my liaison.

"Would the bank help us with financing?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath of mildew and mold, and said, "How soon can we move in?"
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


by Donna Gagnon

URSULA:   (tossing a banana peel across the cage) They can't make me do it, ya know.

KRISTY:   Hey, there's still food in that.

URSULA:   I'm gonna make a break for it.

KRISTY:   (lumbering on all fours towards peel) Break?

URSULA:   Tonight. That man ... muscle hunk? He's been here every day ...

KRISTY:   Oh. Him. He's no hunk. Silverback Dick's way sexier.

URSULA:   Dick's a hairy slob.

KRISTY:   (eating banana remnants) Mmfffppfff ...

URSULA:   Just because he's the only male gorilla equipment around here still doesn't mean I have to ...

KRISTY:   He's got some moves.

URSULA:   Like the belly scratch and the snort? Hmmmmpppph.

KRISTY:   We have to do it ... make little, sweet babies.

URSULA:   Nope. Not me. I'm in love with muscle hunk ... he's got a smooth chest ... skinny arms.

KRISTY:   (hugging herself) I can't wait to have a little one ...

URSULA:   Hey! There he is! 'Oooofffff grrraffff ...' Ohmygawd, look at him. Isn't he just the most gorgeous creature?

KRISTY:   You're not going to ...

URSULA:   (bending bar cages) Just watch me, baby.

KRISTY:   Ursula! No! Come back. You can't leave me all alone here with Dick ...

URSULA:   Fuckin' hirsute male chauvinist ape ... I'll send you a postcard, Kristy. (lunging at unsuspecting zoo visitor) Hiya! I'm Ursula ...

TOM:      What the ... ?? Hey, you're a ...

URSULA:   I've been watching you, sweetie. Is there somewhere we can go?

TOM:      Well ... uhhhh ... yeah, I've got my car.

URSULA:   Take me, gorgeous muscle hunk! (turning to wave) Good luck with the Dick and the brats, Kristy! Lover ... buy me some bananas ...
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


It's Only Words
By Doug Pugh

'Tricky situation then?'

'If we try anything the silly old tosser keeps threatening to slash her wrists.'

'Had to happen on a Friday! I was looking forward to a nice quiet golfing weekend too. What do the tech observation guys say?'

'From all the scanners and heat detection it looks like he's just stood there with a knife in his hand and he's right next to her. It's no bluff!'

'Can't even do the old gung ho approach then.'

'Nope. Wouldn't be wise either with all those snoopers around' the click, flash and whirr of the press beyond the cordon was a constant reminder of the public eye watching them.

' Human rights laws. What a mess! What about the woman's rights huh?'

'Corporate law guv! If and when this actually goes to trial it will be a civil suit. The company against the individual'

'Jesus! Fart these days and someone will sue!'

One of the uniforms came up to the sergeant and spoke in quiet undertones to him. A quick nod in agreement and the uniformed officer hastily strode off towards the cordon.

'Might be a break through guv. The culprits brief has turned up ands wants a word with us'

'We're in the clear, right? Everything by the book?' Pension termination was an ugly thing these days, all the difference between a golf spot on one of the Costa's or cat food from the out of date shelves.

'We're in the clear guv'

The barrister approached, wafting his posh label eau de cologne from the depths of his suit.

'I'm afraid you're going to have to stand down!'

'Kidnap. I don't think so!'

'Try these magic words. Trades Description Act'


' The company that employs the woman is advertising the 'services' of corpulent women'


'Its fairly obvious isn't it?'


'Corp U lent. The lending of a body. My client was obviously misled by their advertising. He's borrowing her.'

The CID brief whispered into the inspectors' ear.

'Bloody hell. Stand 'em down Sarge. Looks like I'll get my golf in anyway!'
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


You May Die
By Simon Holm Pedersen

Because I cannot stand seeing you like this
You may die
for you are hanging in a meat thread that cannot be healed
You may die
So I can let go of the guilt from not being perfect
You may die
because your hollow face and watery eyes
Dissolve everything
You may die
so we can both get peace.
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


By Joyce Carter

There was a storm inland.  In the harbour, water came boiling through the channel to the sea.

'It's always like that when there's rain on the hills,' said the skipper, going ashore.  'We'll be back before midnight.'

Left alone, the boy fell asleep. 

A thunderclap woke him, the sky was alive with lightning, and red flickered nearby.  At first he thought the judder through the boat was the swollen river pushing against her moorings, but then realized she was moving.  A lightning strike had destroyed the jetty, and cut her adrift on fire in the strong current.  She was settling low.  In the time it took him to understand, he was in the water.

By instinct he swam, though he despaired, and the sea carried him.  Waves brought him into the lee of a cliff, undrowned and unbroken for the time, but under an overhang he would never master alone.  The elements were teasing, for when the tide turned, he would be washed on his way.

Then he found a rope.  Breaking waves pursued him up the rock.  When he stuck at the edge, exhausted, he called for help. 

Someone was there.

'Give me your hand,' he pleaded.  'Pull me up.'

'I'm from St Leonard's, stranger.  Think what you'll pay for help.'

He was slipping.  'My mother has some savings. Your hand.'

As he strained upward to the leaning figure, lightning showed him the hood, and the fingerless stump that ended the outstretched arm.  'Unclean,' said the rescuer.

"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


By Walker

Molly shifted the phone to her other shoulder, took a sip of wine and held her nails up for inspection.

"I understand how tough he was on you, Jay. Shit, he was mean to both of us, you know. What do you want, a medal? Get over it. I was the one who had to sleep with him for twenty years."

She crossed her legs and resumed filing her nails, then spoke in a calmer voice, " did you do it? ...Really? ...Cyanide? ...Does that hurt?" She squirmed, then got up and went to the kitchen. "Okay, tell me about it tonight. Ya, about eight or so. I love you too. Bye-bye."

The insurance policy was on the counter, near the unopened mail and an empty bottle of Brian's favorite Chablis. He'd taken good care of his money, now there was plenty. Her finger traced it's way across her son's profile to the value of his life.

Returning to the sofa, she pulled a small vial from her pocket. 'I doubt he'll be expecting this.' A slight smile crossed her lips and she took another sip of wine. 'Ungrateful little prick. He may have been a hard man, but ya didn't have to kill him, now I'm going to be all alone.'

Molly's heart began to beat faster as she pondered her task, but the wine tasted funny now and her lips were going numb. ' That's odd,' she thought, 'I never noticed that little pin-hole in the cork...'
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


Wow, yeah - I remember there being some great flashes over the weeks, but I didn't realise we had so many :yes:

Good work, bringing them all together like this, Sharon - thanks :afro:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Might I suggest that we don't use Simon the Wonder Dog, it really isn't that good..
Simon Holm Pedersen
- Has a great appetite for booze and guns, in that exact order.


Do you want to edit it or remove it, Santhere? Blunt and I thought we'd ask authors to edit or expand their flashes, so you could do that.
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


Quote from: SharonBell on August 18, 2005, 08:43:26 PM
Do you want to edit it or remove it, Santhere? Blunt and I thought we'd ask authors to edit or expand their flashes, so you could do that.

Yep.  Sharon has kindly offered to help by getting the flashes sorted out and ready for their final destinations - thanks, Sharon :smiley:

There might be a few of you who would like to do a second draft of your flashes, or take one out that you're not happy with.  I know sometimes you wish you had an extra forty or fifty words (or more) to flesh out your story with.  If you would like to do that now, before they're included in the revamp project, that would be great.  If you're happy with them 'as is', no problem :afro:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


I don't think it can be saved, I remember I just dashed something out to get it in on time.
Simon Holm Pedersen
- Has a great appetite for booze and guns, in that exact order.


Do we have each author's approval to use these stories for podcasting? :huh:  Anybody want to make amendments, lengthen/edit/whatever?

As soon as we know, we can make arrangements to get them recorded, so don't be shy :afro:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]