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Doom's new comp

Started by Ed, September 13, 2005, 03:28:58 PM

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I'm going to run a new competition to celebrate Doom's first anniversary.  I'm thinking it might be a good idea to run it from the 1st of October to the 31st, so (in theory) we have a good collection of spooky entries by the time Halloween comes around. :afro:

Has anybody got any suggestions on what the theme of the comp should be?  What challenge should we set for the entrants?

Also - prizes?  I don't know whether to go with a cash prize (which turned out to be a right pain in the arse, last time) or go with book tokens, and CafeDoom T-shirts for the runners up.

Any thoughts and suggestions, as always, much appreciated :smiley:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Just throwing something out here, as I'm known to rarely do.

How about a theme theat involves Halloween (for the season), Doom (as in Cafe Doom, for the relevance) and a token of the artist's own creativity ( for the originality).

I realize this isn't saying much, but that's exactly why I can't create a nursery rhyme to stop a child from crying. :P
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Hey, at least you kept the thread alive, LotD :afro: 

Nice to see you still lurking around these parts.  Thanks for the suggestions :smiley:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


i like the idea of cafedoom tshirts.


Quote from: GrinReaper on September 14, 2005, 11:58:12 PM
i like the idea of cafedoom tshirts.

Me too :afro:  Robert Blevins gave me a link to an online store that can make them affordable, so it's a distinct possibility that they'll be available sometime soon :smiley:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Sure, if you make them dark and mysterious but not TOO horrifying, or I'll never be able to wear one anywhere where the tender youth (hard-as-nails teenagers) I'm sometimes in charge of might see!  ::)


Yes to t-shirts!  :cheers: They don't break in the mail, like mugs.  :cry:
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


t-shirts also spread the word.
:D :D :D


T-shirts are a great idea. I'd buy one for sure.

Just curious, Blunt, has anyone mentioned a CafeDoom anthology? That would be pretty cool, Id buy that too.
"Lord, here comes the flood, we will say goodbye to flesh and blood. If, again, the seas are silent in any still alive, it'll be those who gave their island to survive. Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry."
Peter Gabriel.


I'll see if I can come up with a few different designs for T-shirts, but it will have to wait until the new site is sorted out.  From what I remember of another forum's plans to do them, I think the image has to be extremely high resolution, and pretty big in scale, compared to stuff usually done in Photoshop.  I'll have to look into it some more, but it will get done, even if it's just lettering... with maybe a few drips of blood... and ghosts... and maybe a zombie... and... and. :grin:

Walker - re the anthology.  At some point in the future, I'd be happy to fund an anthology, but we haven't got nearly enough material to fill one, as yet - even if we used everything we've got.  It's probably something that we'll have to wait a couple of years for.   :smiley:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Quote from: blunt on September 15, 2005, 02:52:22 PM

Walker - re the anthology.  At some point in the future, I'd be happy to fund an anthology, but we haven't got nearly enough material to fill one, as yet - even if we used everything we've got.  It's probably something that we'll have to wait a couple of years for.   :smiley:

Fair enough, Blunt. I guess I'd better get busy, eh?
"Lord, here comes the flood, we will say goodbye to flesh and blood. If, again, the seas are silent in any still alive, it'll be those who gave their island to survive. Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry."
Peter Gabriel.


And so say all of us.... (for ourselves, I mean, not just you, Walker!)


I'm up for doing the illustration for the T-Shirt if you need an artist. I'll do it for free... well... I would like a T-Shirt for doing it I guess. Just let me know. You've seen some of my work. Think it might be what your looking for?



I was thinking, blunt, seeing as you've had troubles getting entries for previous comps, maybe the theme should be 'open' (dark fiction, obviously). I know, from my own perspective, I've got about three dark fiction yarns at various stages of completion -- a competition would give me the impetus to rewrite one of them. But if you set too many restrictions on what has to be in the story, then it sort of puts people off. Also, the quality of the stories entered *may* be higher with an open theme, because it could be a story someone's been polishing for a while, whereas to write and polish a story in a month can be quite hard, given that other people have other home/writing commitments. You could encourage themed entries by stipulating the type of stories you're looking for so, say there's two entries of equal merit, the one that has addressed the theme will win. Just a thought.


There's a lot of sound sense in that.  After all, if people would like a prompt, they can always manufacture their own by dipping in a dictionary, or using a word from some other competition.

But it may be hard for those of us who are here and who have entered previous competitions to second-guess the masses out there who haven't.