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To Have One's Cake

Started by desertwomble, October 02, 2015, 08:05:33 AM

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My story To Have One's Cake won September's flash fiction competition in Writers' Forum magazine - and just as importantly put a hundred quid in my sky rocket.

Thanks to Cathy (sorry if it sounds like an Oscars' acceptance speech) for reading the story and giving me some valuable feedback.

DW :cheesy:

P.S. 'sky rocket' = Cockney rhyming slang for 'pocket', if you wondered
Read my most recent winning Global Short Story Competition entry:



Oh, excellent! I shall bask in reflected glory  :cheers:


Quote from: delph_ambi on October 02, 2015, 03:40:00 PM
Oh, excellent! I shall bask in reflected glory  :cheers:

Cheers guys

As you may recall, Cathy, it wasn't a straightforward story. I always try to get an opinion on this type of story, and always from someone insightful.

DW :cheesy:
Read my most recent winning Global Short Story Competition entry:


Congrats Womble :afro:

How long was the flash?
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Quote from: Ed on October 04, 2015, 06:16:59 AM
Congrats Womble :afro:

How long was the flash?

Cheers, Ed. It was 500 words exactly.

This month they want a Halloween story, 800 words max, deadline tomorrow.

DW :cheesy:
Read my most recent winning Global Short Story Competition entry:


Quote from: desertwomble on October 04, 2015, 06:19:59 AM
Quote from: Ed on October 04, 2015, 06:16:59 AM
Congrats Womble :afro:

How long was the flash?

Cheers, Ed. It was 500 words exactly.

This month they want a Halloween story, 800 words max, deadline tomorrow.

DW :cheesy:

Word lengths around that sub 1000 count feel quite liberating after getting used to just 350 I find. Or should I say 'found' -- haven't written much fiction lately.

Are you entering a story for the Halloween one?
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Congrats DW and vicariously to Delph.

I've been submitting this year but only 3 acceptances for anthos and mags. Methinks my email outbox is directly linked to a black hole.


Alas, Ed, my Halloween story got disqualified. They specifically wanted a 'ghost story' and I wrote about a vampire.

That said, I've sent the story elsewhere.

DW :cheesy:
Read my most recent winning Global Short Story Competition entry:


Nice one, Womble! (And Delph!)  :dance:
"If you want to write, write it. That's the first rule. And send it in, and send it in to someone who can publish it or get it published. Don't send it to me. Don't show it to your spouse, or your significant other, or your parents, or somebody. They're not going to publish it."

Robert B. Parker