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Nelder's Chaos

Started by Geoff_N, November 21, 2016, 01:30:56 PM

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Not been here for a while and when I do it is for shameless promo. Apologies. I'm announcing a book release although it is really a short story that a publisher, Solstice Publishing, has turned into a book when I thought it was going into an anthology!

Imagine a city which exists only in the minds of its inhabitants. There's everything you'd expect in a real city including fun and trouble. Olga, has to get past the bouncer then in Mokii she finds an intruder. He is trying to usurp the virtual city because there is financial reward from the advertising revenue beamed into the visitors' minds. Can she thwart him?
New science fiction book release TODAY!
created as an ebook by Solstice Publishing read for only 99p The Chaos of Mokii
ebook at

Bit strange to me to have a short story of approx 3k words be released as a book but apparently many indie press are doing that now. Odd to approve cover art, write an ack and blurb for a short story.
