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Eyes bugger than your belly?

Started by Ed, October 06, 2005, 03:58:27 AM

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A 13-foot Burmese python recently burst after it apparently tried to swallow a live, six-foot alligator whole, authorities said.

More here -;_ylt=AmV046nHAqvFKRLbfv6aJ8as0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]



I'm glad I'm not going to find either of those things at the bottom of my garden!  We jokingly say there are elephants and tigers in the brambles in the corner, but...