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Crime for podcast??

Started by GrinReaper, October 19, 2005, 10:04:45 PM

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Hey there,

I've posted a story in the non-dark section - thrillers - called Number 13. It's actually quite dark but it's not horror/fantasy/sf. It's more of a crime/twisted love story.

Anyhoo, it's under 2000 words so would work okay for podcast (although, having said that, it's got quite a lot of dialogue in it, so maybe not). Blunt - if you want it for the podcast you're more than welcome. It's a London-based story so would probably work best with a pommie accent!


Thanks, Grin :afro:

I'll try to take a look at it later - ATM I'm very pushed for time, haven't spent any time online at all, in the past two days.  I've only just seen the mail you sent, too.  Will reply ASAP :smiley:
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