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Addictive software

Started by doolols, January 04, 2006, 02:57:59 AM

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I've got a new little avatar. It's an antagonist I've started using, and I made it with Singular Inversions Face Gen software. It's a huge download, and only runs on PCs, but it is wonderful software. Available:

You can create different styles of face, give them different features, different national characteristics, different expressions, and it does it all in real time on the screen. You can click on the image, and drag it whichever way you want, down, up, side to side, even to see the back of the head. It's fantastic fun, and actually good for creating a 'real' character you're writing about. Whenever I write anything on my novel / novellas, it's these faces I think of.

The demo version doesn't allow saving, but you can CTRL-PRTSCRN to copy the screen image into the clipboard, and use your favourite graphics program (MS Paint would do) to paste it in, where you can do what you want with it.

My name is Gerald, and I am a writer (practicing for AA - Authors Anonymous)


I was wondering where you found that handsome devil.  :afro: Is he available? I might have a girl for him in my novel.  But, I'll warn you, she's got killer instincts!  ::)
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


He is abailanle, but I would hesitate before recommending him to anyone. He's not a nice man. Unlike me, of course!  :afro:
My name is Gerald, and I am a writer (practicing for AA - Authors Anonymous)


Looks a lot like the guy on the front of the video case for 'The Hills Have Eyes' :huh:  Ugly bugger :scratch:

Sounds like kewl software :afro:  Might give it try myself - how big a file is it?  My up/download limit is only 1 gig per month - think it's about time I ditched my BT account and found a better ISP ::)
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


It's only 20MB - not that bad really.

On ISPs - Wanadoo have just removed my unlimited download limit, so I hope to be swapping to Toucan on the 10th. 2MB/s broadband speed, and no limits. I was going to use Demon, which seemed a 'no frills' service, but they couldn't swap immediately over. You need an MAC number, which allows you to swap from one to the other without loss of service. Demon couldn't use the MAC feature without me upgrading to a home business account.

I'll let you know how the Toucan thing works out.
My name is Gerald, and I am a writer (practicing for AA - Authors Anonymous)


Well, you don't have to look so cranky when you talk about the ISPs... :laughter1:
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


Hey - you're looking at my best side!  :evil:
My name is Gerald, and I am a writer (practicing for AA - Authors Anonymous)


Thanks for the tip, Gerald :afro:  I'll wait and see how you get on.  The last thing I want is to be stuck with another provider that imposes a download limit.  I had a look around a few months back, but with most of the ISPs there seemed to be some kind of catch, or their user agreements weren't very agreeable.  There was one I heard of ages ago, but I can't remember the name - they seemed pretty good and were primarily business oriented.  Can't remember why I didn't choose them now :scratch:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


I've now created a "smileyman" avatar - I don't want anyone to think I'm nasty and agressive  :evil:
My name is Gerald, and I am a writer (practicing for AA - Authors Anonymous)


Still have your devil mark on your forehead, I see.  :evil:
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


It's a bit better now, although you can still see the mark where I had to use a laser to remove the tattoo.

See what I mean about being addictive? Grrrrr  :hot:
My name is Gerald, and I am a writer (practicing for AA - Authors Anonymous)