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East Brunswick News

Started by GrinReaper, March 08, 2006, 08:08:34 AM

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As part of a 'guerilla' advertising campaign for a book I am self-publishing (all things going well) later this year, I have started a 'news' blog, chronicling bizarre events in East Brunswick, which is a suburb of Melbourne, Australia.

The book is called Joe's Bazaar, and it's about a cantankerous second-hand shop owner and his dealings with corrupt cops, underworld figures and supernatural phenomena.

The reason I'm starting the blog now is that when I start stage two of my campaign -- sending 'dossiers' to media outlets -- there will be a link to the blog with posts stretching back almost a year.

Would anyone be interesting in submitting 'news' articles/features/letters to the editor? They can be as long or short as you like.

Unfortunately, I can't offer payment because I don't have payment to offer. But I'll be happy to offer a byline and a link back to your website, if you want one.

PM me if you're interested, and I'll send you more details.


Oh, and in case anyone is concerned, I plan the blog content to be so over-the-top that no-one is going to mistake it for a 'real' news blog.  :evil:


Ahh Melbourne, beautiful city - i lived in Richmond for 3 months, good times...

If you let me know the kind of thing you want i'll see if i can help - welcome to Hell!


Yeah - give us some idea of what you want and I'm sure a few of us will contribute something :afro:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


Here's an early website that Derek and I were going to use to try and entice publishers into publishing the book. It didn't work, obviously, but it will give you an idea about Joe's Bazaar.

You can click on various items in the bazaar.

The synopsis button doesn't work, but you can read it here...

It's not that informative because it was written more as a teaser. The cop, Ferguson, is trying to nail Joe before he retires. Meanwhile, Joe is getting drawn into an internal family feud in the Garibaldi family.

A killer flying chihuahua solves the problem for Joe by killing the head of the Garibaldi family, and then his daughter-in-law.

Throughout the book, Joe is trying to get working a time-space warper salvaged off a US submarine involved in the Philadelphia Experiment.

In the end he finally gets it working, only to get sucked into another dimension.

Ferguson goes to the bazaar and discovers Joe's secret gun stash.

It's a win-win situation!

= = = =

Regarding the blogging side, there's two ways of doing it. If you're really into the idea of making up a Melbourne dodgy journalist persona, send me your email and I'll invite you to join the blog. That way you can log in whenever the mood strikes you and post. If however you just want to post one thing or something now and then, you can just PM the stuff to me here. Let me know if you want a byline or anything like that.

And thinking about it, if you like, you can post from your country of origin, alerting Xavier Ricebury (my dodgy journo persona) about similar phenomena occurring elsewhere in the world. That would be kinda cool too.

Hopefully tonight I will post a few 'from the archives' posts. I'll let you know.


OK, Grin.  I'll check back later :smiley:
Planning is an unnatural process - it is much more fun to do something.  The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise, rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression. [Sir John Harvey-Jones]


I'm probably going to redo the masthead and get rid of the 'ads' on the side.


I've got dibs on the vicious chihuahua stories!!  :afro:
"Be good and you'll be lonesome." Mark Twain


Quote from: GrinReaper on March 09, 2006, 04:21:52 AM
I'm probably going to redo the masthead and get rid of the 'ads' on the side.
It's quite easy to get rid of the blue Blogger search thing. In your Blogger account, go to template, and search for the </head> and <body> tag. Add <noembed> </noembed> tags, like:


Apologies if you already knew this.

And thanks for the link to the Amis / King story in your other Blog. It was fascinating  :afro:
My name is Gerald, and I am a writer (practicing for AA - Authors Anonymous)


Thanks doodols, but i meant the fake ads that are part of the fake masthead - one for Cafe Sportivo and the other for Tai Tai.

I let Derek (the co-author) do the techie stuff - he likes it!